Tuesday, March 23, 2010

OCLC Web Services in Action - April 1, 2010

w/ Karen Coombs

Have you wondered just what a web service is, and what it would mean to use one? Are you thinking of investing effort into building new systems that rely on web services, or enhancing an existing service with API-provided data? OCLC offers a variety of web services which can be used to extend library interfaces and improve user experiences. This session will provide an overview of the web services offered by OCLC and demonstrate real world applications of these web services in libraries. Come learn about services such as the WorldCat Search API, xISBN, WorldCat Registry and Identities.

Karen Coombs, is a well known librarian and Web developer, currently working at OCLC as the product manager for the OCLC Developer Network, where she helps library and consumer developers make best use of OCLC's suite of Web Services, and continues to expand OCLC's commitment to libraries' own development of services that use WorldCat data. Ms. Coombs previously served as Head of Web Services for the University of Houston Libraries in Houston, Texas.

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