Thursday, April 2, 2009

See LTFL in Action

List of LTFL Members
* 109 libraries have 'catalog' package implemented
* 25 libs have the 'review' package installed

Some libs implement both packages and hand pick which features they want (up to 6 total). Academic libraries may not be as into reviews and ratings as public libs (but not necessarily).

A couple to look at:
Seattle PL (Horizon)
Includes catalog features and ratings/reviews. There are two ways to access the reviews on the left.. one consists of a neat-o red/black image.

NOTE: For the most part, LTFL features keep patrons in your catalog or, in the case of tags and the "similar books" feature, patrons are linked to other titles in your own catalog. However, some libraries set up their reviews to go back to the LibraryThing site. (See the above Seattle PL example with the LT chiclet image near the bottom left).

Mount Laurel (Horizon)
Includes Reviews, Rating and Catalog features
NOTE: Some libraries let anyone create an account and add ratings/reviews..others allow only library patrons to add reviews/ratings. Reviews also come from LT members. Those coming from patrons/public via the catalog are monitored by library staff before they go up.

SWITCH Library Consortium Catalog (Innovative)
Includes catalog features and limited book covers

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