Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cary Gordon talk about Drupal in Libraries

Cary Gordon of the Cherry Hill Company
an IT consultancy with extensive experience in the library market, will talk about using Drupal in Libraries.

You can check out their Drupal library prototype at:

Cary is the administrator for the Libraries group at Drupal
a strong community rich in resources about using Drupal in Libraries.


Anonymous said...

Will you be posting the link to the archived presentation/materials here when they're live? I didn't catch the link when I was at the presentation yesterday. Thank you!

Mark and Tom said...

The link to the recording is also on your registration email, the same place as your original log on to the live session information. If you've lost that please contact me directly at:

lnorvig said...

Would it be possible to post this link so that anyone could view the archived recording?

Mark and Tom said...

nope, the only way we can manage to recover production costs is by making sure we get our very modest fees, including for the recordings. The pay off to you is that the fees are for an entire library/institution to share across staff. So all in all it's really a bargain. You can simply click on the registration link to get access to any of the recorded sessions of your choice. They will be active for a year after their occurrence.